Nebezpečí multikulturalismu
Nejhorším dědictví multikulturalismu je, že lidé, kteří jsou proti islámu, se bojí vystoupit veřejně, aby nebyli označeni ihned za xenofoby či přímo nácky a fašisty. Muslimové vystupují v ČR neanonymně v diskuzích a Češi se bojí vystoupit neanonymně. Není to zvrácené? Jedním z nejdůležitějších úkolů nyní je boj za prolomení informační bariéry a boj za "zespolečenštění" problémů islamizace v ČR.
Oblíbené příspěvky
Оценивая ежегодный доклад чешской службы по безопасности информации (БИС) за 2010 год, посвященный угрозе исламизации Чехии, должен признать...
Současnou existencí tzv. mešity v Drahoňovského ulici došlo k narušení dříve existujícího poklidného stavu (vyjádření KÚ KHK, MěPolicie o ...
sobota 27. srpna 2011
Regional authority in Czech Republic financially supports anti-mosque movement
The Hradec Králové Regional Authority is financially supporting the AntiMešita (Anti-Mosque) movement, which holds discussions on the danger of Islam for citizens of Hradec Králové, establishes petitions against the existence of mosques in various towns and fights the spread of Islamic culture on Czech territory. The AntiMešita movement was established last year by Valentin Kusák and has been leading the fight against the "Islamization of the Czech Republic" ever since. Its activists object not only to mosques, but to anything connected to Islamic culture. The movement regularly organizes activities in Hradec Králové opposing local Muslim efforts. Local politicians such as Hana Orgoníková (Czech Social Democrats - ČSSD) or Vladimír Derner (Christian Democrats - KDU-ČSL) have participated in AntiMešita's discussions on the topic "Stop Islamization".
Despite the controversial nature of their activities, the association has received financial support from the Regional Authority in the amount of CZK 15 000. Imrich Dioszegi, press spokesperson for the Regional Authority, told local daily Hradecký deník that: "...just as the region contributes to the activities of various cultural or sports clubs and associations on its territory, the Regional Council decided to support the activities of the civic associations AntiMešita and AntiMešita-envi with CZK 15 000. The money corresponds to an application intended for the activity of both associations, the creation of a web page and legal services." As a result of the governing coalition agreement in that region, the Christian Democrats have the greatest influence over allocating financial gifts.
AntiMešita founder Kusák perceives the financial gift as a way for Regional Governor Lubomír Franc (ČSSD), the Regional Council, and the Regional Authority's leadership to express their moral support for his cause. He is using the financial support to design and implement anti-Islamic discussions in Hradec Králové and to make the AntiMešita movement visible.
Representatives of the Muslim community perceive the cause as a bit outdated and do not intend to comment further on the movement. A mosque was eventually built in Hradec Králové despite AntiMešita's resistance.
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