Saudi Arabia issued hundreds of millions and billions of dollars to promote Islam and wahabismu in the world, strongly supports the construction of mosques and Muslim centers. To help the hungry but not contributing. This in today's world than a democratic state in the world, which has huge profits from oil, contributes only to selected charities and associations, and their funding is very unclear. The vast majority of cases the money from Saudi Arabia ends up in the hands of extremists. Predominantly Muslim countries of OPEC in 2007, gave food aid to starving approximately $ 1.5 million of them earned about $ 674 billion in 2007. United Arab Emirates after his earnings from the sale of oil at $ 63 billion in 2007 contributed a total of 50 thousand dollars.
The severity of hunger after the aid is based primarily on the U.S. part of the Europe and various gifts of the democratic non-Muslim countries. Now appeared in the media and the information that the financial assistance and subsidies, for example, receives Palestine, they are paid high rents for the bombers, who are in prison for terrorism in Israel and their families. These facts are alarming. The fact must be known for many years and nothing happened, one of the world's politicians did not deal with this paradox.
Saudi Arabia is building a system of mosques and Islamic centers throughout the world. These then become centers of extremism. An example might be a mosque in Bonn, Germany. Saudi Prince Fahd mosque founded in Bonn in 1995 and it became an ally after the attack on the Twin Towers in New York in 2001. Fahd in the same year arranged for payment of $ 100 million under the former Taliban leadership of Osama bin Laden. Princess Haifa, wife of Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in the U.S., donated $ 130,000 to people later associated with the kidnapping of airplanes in an attack on the Twin Towers in NY, that they could settle in San Diego. Other Saud mosque immediately gave in San Diego $ 550,000. The reality is that the mosque in Bonn and San Diego, served as a base for the 15 terrorists associated with the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York in 2001. In this case, the ruling family of Saudi Arabia Saudis, sorry no money. In support of extremism, and terrorism wahabismu money.
In Saudi Arabia banned the construction of churches and Christians are brutally suppressed. Ministers from the Nordic countries have in the past year to realize the danger entails financing the development of mosques in the territories of their funds coming from Saudi Arabia. Proclaimed the principle of reciprocity, he said, "if in our mosques and churches in Saudi Arabia." The intention of the Nordic Ministers also happen that this requirement for the EU wanted to generalize and therefore decided to present a principle of reciprocity to the Council of Europe. It is necessary to highlight the danger and the unsustainability of the current situation in the Czech Republic, EU and U.S.. Everywhere there is tolerating the impact of Saudi Arabia, which has decided to award the world of radical Islam. Economic interests, the question of oil are becoming blinkered politicians who allow a sell-out-won democracy and freedoms gained after centuries our ancestors aggressive Islam.
It is necessary that in the Czech Republic were well known, what is really undemocratic Saudi Arabia, with which at the Czech political representation concluded long term contracts, and what dangers lurk in the background for an engaging marketing meetings prepared by our politicians, businessmen and selected members of the ruling clan of Saudi Arabia.
Ing. Valentin Kusák
Charmain of AntiMešita o.s. and AntiMešita-Envi o.s.
Nebezpečí multikulturalismu
Nejhorším dědictví multikulturalismu je, že lidé, kteří jsou proti islámu, se bojí vystoupit veřejně, aby nebyli označeni ihned za xenofoby či přímo nácky a fašisty. Muslimové vystupují v ČR neanonymně v diskuzích a Češi se bojí vystoupit neanonymně. Není to zvrácené? Jedním z nejdůležitějších úkolů nyní je boj za prolomení informační bariéry a boj za "zespolečenštění" problémů islamizace v ČR.
Oblíbené příspěvky
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úterý 20. září 2011
Saudi Arabia finances extremism, but will not help starving.
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