According to representatives of Muslims in the Czech Republic, Islam is absolutely safe to religion, which does not need to worry about. I bring you an authentic record which provided us with our contact, who infiltrated the Muslim community. This contact has been obtained from a certain Abdulla ben Araschida Halef Statutes Muslim "associations" that have been approved semi Muslim leaders - from the Imam to the Chairman and members of councils of all Muslim societies. For clarity and effective communication concentrated positions within this "association" will offer a reading goal, "association" as adopted by the statutes
Objectives of the Association of Islam and the Koran in the name of peacefulness, Ltd.
1st physical liquidation of non-Muslims everywhere and always
second confession teachings of Muhammad from the 7th century in its original form 3rd nereformovatelnost teachings of Muhammad from the 7th
4th century model is a state organization in Saudi Arabia
5th Association of terrorist funding sources and selling drugs
6th prepare girls to be able in six years to get married and nine years to perform regular sexual intercourse
7th allow fathers family honor killings recalcitrant daughters
8th beatings and torture wives husbands
9th stoning individuals that recognize the family council guilty
10th ubičování girls and women who are tarnished by being raped
11th we experiencer blood of Americans, Britons, Germans and French
12th fire and the sword will cut off Israel and take the second Holocaust
13th we want to destroy democracy in the Czech Republic, the countries of Europe and
the world and we want to establish a Muslim caliphate
14th we want to destroy freedom in the Czech Republic, the countries of Europe and the world's
15th support for terrorism and terrorist acts realization
16th in mosques and worship we preach support for terrorism and violence
17th complicity in organized crime
18th ban Christmas and Easter
19th building a closed ghetto for Christians, Jews and non-Muslims in general,
20th civil disobedience and causing unrest, if not met our demands from politicians
and mainstream society
21st require full implementation of sharia law, which allows all of the above
22nd unless we voluntarily surrender, kill you, but you pay tax (Zakat) for that for us will be able to slave
23rd We will solve the economic crisis by taking non-Muslims captured prisoners and
we will sell as vegetables, thus obtaining a money
In conclusion, we convey. Surely you know that written is fiction. But in the Planet of Apes known people, it did not do rosoucí of aggression in monkeys, and there was a monkey species extermination of mankind. Bear this in mind!
Ing. Valentin Kusak Chairman AntiMešita AntiMešita axes and Envi-axis
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