Nebezpečí multikulturalismu
Nejhorším dědictví multikulturalismu je, že lidé, kteří jsou proti islámu, se bojí vystoupit veřejně, aby nebyli označeni ihned za xenofoby či přímo nácky a fašisty. Muslimové vystupují v ČR neanonymně v diskuzích a Češi se bojí vystoupit neanonymně. Není to zvrácené? Jedním z nejdůležitějších úkolů nyní je boj za prolomení informační bariéry a boj za "zespolečenštění" problémů islamizace v ČR.
Oblíbené příspěvky
Оценивая ежегодный доклад чешской службы по безопасности информации (БИС) за 2010 год, посвященный угрозе исламизации Чехии, должен признать...
Evropa vymírá a ani Česká republika na tom není líp. Proč mám pocit, že nikdo ještě nepřišel s opravdu skvělým řešením, jak zabránit vymírán...
úterý 27. září 2011
Democratic nation and green homeland.
Just so I sat and I thought about some words in mind and what cause. "Democratic", "folk", "green" - so these words are perceived at least some segments of the population positively. "National," "patriotic," God forbid the word "resistance" are a priori perceived negatively. Why? Is this correct?
I sat there and suddenly I thought, why should I even rooted in mind that if you hear of a political party, association, an initiative that has the name "National ..."," Patriotic .. "zbystřím attention. On the contrary, the adjectives "Democratic ..." "Folk ...."," Green ... " evoke an impression of solidity. So "Green ..." in me a positive feeling invoked. I'm not breaking down on corruption, etc.. That is rampant throughout society and politics and it does not matter what the words in the title.
For some strange words I feel a priori, and I'm careful. After all, words like "nation", "homeland" should be a symbol of goodness, pride and heroism of our ancestors who contributed to, as we have today. Yes, it is true that the names "National ..."," Patriotic ... " in practice are often associated with extremism. But this is the reason we in the country and hated nation? Certainly not. We are the Czechs, who always fought for their national identity. Let's be proud of the word "national", "patriotic". keep in mind that we must be patriotic and fight for his nation and our society. I now work with other people against the Islamization of the Czech Republic. If we do not we all in our nation and our country proud and will fight for them, we may backfire.
I'm rooted in the word in the title of the initiative, the association as "National ..."," Patriotic .. " sharpen attention. We are in the Statutes that distance ourselves from extremism. On the other hand, I always consider that the nation and country are my goal of all endeavors.
I confess something to you: decide to work with someone (whether human or grouping) is not easy. Very much wish that multiculturalism did not cause that the word "nation" and "homeland" stop to appreciate.
Mr. Chairman AntiMešita Kusak Valentin, Axes and AntiMešita Envi-os
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