German Chancellor Angela Merkel sharply in 2010, joined the debate on Islam and immigration. "Multiculturalism has failed completely," DPA quoted agency chancellor, who flatly said that all immigrants must learn fluent German. The iDnes circles still say, as an objective in the publication of articles. My opinion is that the bond is tied iDnes called Multikulti.
The FB group support mosque in Hradec Kralove Muslim Lhoťan Luke wrote, "Hmm, well but why? IDnes did dig multiculturalism ... .... "
Multiculturalism does not recognize the existence of a dominant culture. I wrote to Chancellor Merkel wants immigrants to learn German Neck. Sarrazin to in October 2010 said, "But I think the Czechs will not understand this well. And the Czechs also want their descendants in Bohemia and Moravia lived a hundred years between the Czechs and Czech speaking together. Small nations have for this usually charge a much greater understanding than large nations. Therefore, the Danes and the Dutch react much more sensitively than we have responded in Germany.. " I say "We wish that they strengthened the Czechs."
President Vaclav Klaus said in 2005 in http://www.radio.cz/cz/rubrika/udalosti/vaclav-klaus-odmitl-multikulturalismus-vyvolal-tim-ostrou-kritiku
"Mass migration was a false ideology, that is some claim, a general human right to roam anywhere in the world," he said in an interview for Saturday's Mlada fronta Dnes President Vaclav Klaus. He also said that multiculturalism is wrong and damaging to him and all paying the price. If someone wants to immigrate, they should log on to the complete assimilation of a new country and not to remain anchored in its original environment. On the Czech political scene led to the sharp criticism of Klaus's views.
To this was not enough, apparently iDnes supports regimes like Syria to be. This published on its iDnes "The Syrian state television it was reported:" The Czech newspaper Mlada fronta criticize the great disinformation campaign against Syria. ". IDnes media protested against this.
So it is all weighted objective Multikulti iDnes editors. That you Multikulti says about you, dear iDnes Lhotan. So let's dyžtak tell him ........
Mr. Chairman AntiMešita Kusak Valentin, Axes and AntiMešita Envi-os
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